Px Young Bloods U20
A selected group of athletes based out of Buffalo, NY, who look to raise the level of play in Buffalo, as well as improving the reputation of BUFFALO HOCKEY around the continent. The Px Young Bloods Coaching Staff will push players harder than any other program in the country, as the competition faced will be the best there is. The growing Performax Hockey family’s mission of great hockey experiences & HARD WORK will be exhibited throughout this season and into the next.
[button href=”https://performaxsports.com/px-young-bloods-u20/roster/” style=”border” size=”large” color=”#9ebee4″ hovercolor=”#9ebee4″ textcolor=”#9ebee4″ texthovercolor=”#ffffff”]View Roster[/button]
Px Young Bloods Team Apparel
• Game Gear (Pinnie & Shorts)
• Practice Gear (2 Shirts & 2 Shorts)
• Fall Package (Hoodie & Sweats)
Preliminary Designs:
Click image to enlarge.